Fantasy meets reality in Shibuya, Tokyo, where magic is something to be feared. In this action RPG, a young wizard seeks freedom through strength, and an officer seeks to control magic and restore order. When their paths cross, a darkness that will transform the world descends.
The action-packed RPG [i]REYNATIS[/i] will receive nine free updates, including new story episodes for main characters Marin Kirizumi and Sari Nishijima, along with a secret episode!
Here are the 3 free updates that've been revealed:
- New story episode for Marin Kirizumi
- New story episode for Sari Nishijima
- An extra secret story episode!
Check out the screenshots below, hinting at more action, magical clashes, and additional story insights the updates will bring to highly-anticipated [i]REYNATIS[/i]. Stay tuned for further information on all planned content updates!
[i]* The actual implementation schedule of the content updates may be changed without notice.[/i]
[b]+ Wishlist[/b] today and stay tuned for updates leading up to the game's release!