Fantasy meets reality in Shibuya, Tokyo, where magic is something to be feared. In this action RPG, a young wizard seeks freedom through strength, and an officer seeks to control magic and restore order. When their paths cross, a darkness that will transform the world descends.
Dominus Forest is infested by monsters due to its innate magic, and only wizards can enter.
What else exists behind the fog?
Owl is a volunteer group that supports stray wizards in [i]REYNATIS[/i].
Member Moa is all about the influencer lifestyle...
Her private account with 0 followers isn't stopping her!
M.E.A. is an organization whose mission is to eradicate the illegal drugs that have spread across Shibuya and crack down on wizards who disrupt public order.
Watch to see the playable characters from the M.E.A., Sari, Ukai, and Dogo in action๐ช
The Magic Guild of Japan was founded in 1923 to protect Japan with the power of magic...
But now, it exerts its influence on Japanese society via the distribution of the magical drug rubrum.
See some of its most formidable members.
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