Next Update Preview


Isbarah is a cross-genre of bullet hell and platformer style, it's a hardcore 2d game and each level is a duel boss fight. Players will need to fully understand the boss patterns. It’s built on smartly managing your powers and to use them wisely to survive - everything in our game involves dodging and making smart movements.

Hello everybody! First of all, we’d like to thank you all for supporting Isbarah! Your encouragements are a great reward for us ;) As our main goal is to provide you the best gaming experience possible, your feedbacks really matter to us. This is why we would like to give you a preview of what is going to change / being improved in the next updates of Isbarah. The first of these updates is going to be released this Friday. Here is the list of what WILL be included in this update: [list] [*] “Tutorial in 7th Mode” bug will be fixed. [*] Invisible barriers won’t randomly stay enabled in the fight against the last Boss anymore (could be annoying, don’t you think?) [*] You will be able to bind extra mouse buttons to the actions in the Input Settings (left and right click will remain dedicated to the “Dash” and “Barrier” powers) [*] We are also aware of the loading screen being too long when you restart a level, especially when it’s the 10th time... We’ll do our best to shorten this waiting time. [/list] We also want to improve the way we show where the Railguns are located during the Chase Phases. You will be warned as soon as we have some fresh news about that ;) See you on Friday!