Explore the galaxy in this deckbuilding, sci-fi roguelike where ship upgrades and crew management are key to your survival. Optimize resource generation, engage in intense turn-based battles, and take on ever-growing threats as you seek out The Signal.
[h3]Hi everyone,[/h3]
First, I want to apologize for the recent silence. We all felt the effects of intense work leading up to and following the release, so we took a few much-needed days to recharge. Now, we're back at full speed and eager to make the game better, fueled by all the incredible feedback you've shared. Your dedication to testing and offering clear suggestions has been amazing — especially since we've worked on this for so long without much outside input.
The good news? Based on your feedback, we have a solid plan to make some key improvements. The groundwork is set, and while there's still testing and polishing ahead, we're excited to share what we're working on for our first significant update, targeted for mid-November.
[quote][h3]More Meta-Progression and Starting Loadout Customization[/h3]
Many of you mentioned wanting more ship unlocks and customization options after a few runs to add variety and strategic depth. So, we’re creating a system that lets you unlock different starting load-outs for your ship, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. This should give more room for varying playstyles rather than being pushed into a particular direction by your starting loadout.
This will also address a common concern: lack of variety in runs. The previous system limited how much you could diverge from your initial ship's setup. Now, with more flexible load-outs and a broader card pool, you’ll have more ways to explore different builds.
[h3]New End-of-Run Screen[/h3]
We’re close to completing a proper end-of-run screen, showing stats like nodes traveled, damage done, damage blocked, enemies defeated, and most damage dealt in a single turn. This screen will form the basis for a scoring system, paving the way for features like leaderboards, daily challenges, and more.
[h3]Reworking Flak[/h3]
One of the biggest gameplay issues we've heard is that randomness sometimes plays too big a role, especially with Flak attacks dealing wildly varying damage (4-12!). We've reworked Flak to keep its high-damage identity without relying so much on RNG, so it now scales damage as the enemy hull weakens rather than randomly damage spikes. This change also boosts synergy between weapon types, as Flak works well with other attacks.
[h3]Simplifying card Mechanics and increasing weapon synergies[/h3]
We’re also refining the Ignite and Shred mechanics (yes, Flak is getting another tweak!). These changes will make them easier to understand while expanding ways to strategize and combine attacks from different weapon types.
This is just the first step in a larger effort to create more synergies between equipment. Simplifying and generalizing these systems will lay the groundwork for more advanced and rewarding combos in the future.
[h3]New Playable Ship: Missile Frigate[/h3]
We’re adding a new ship—the Missile Frigate! There’s nothing quite like launching a full volley of missiles and watching them hit sequentially. We think it’ll add an exciting new flavor to the game.[/quote]
Beyond these main additions, expect many smaller fixes and quality-of-life improvements. Thanks to your feedback, this first update will be packed. We’re grateful to have such a committed community helping us improve each step of the way in Early Access, and we're excited to keep this momentum going.
Thank you for all your support!