News from the Shelter team + New Shelter 3 trailer!

Fables from the Den

Take a peek beyond the hedges and delve deeper into the woods. Might and Delight invites you to join the woodland creatures in their den as they share tales and fables on life, love and everything in between.

Hello! Today we are really excited to share this, our [url=]new trailer[/url]! We hope you like it. Much like an elephant, development is coming along slowly but surely. Currently the team are working on elephant behaviours, level design and bringing some animal NPCs to life. [img][/img] [b]Elephant Development[/b] But the truth is that we should have been further along than this by now, and today we're writing to let you know that we've had to revise our schedule - release is now set for a realistic early 2021. We're sorry - we know that some of you have been waiting so patiently! But we're a small team and along with updating [i]Meadow[/i], we just don't have the resources to move much faster than this. This means that we won't be working on any new updates for [i]Meadow[/i] until [i]Shelter 3[/i] is released. Pulling resources away from [i]Meadow[/i] means that we can fully commit to our deadline for [i]Shelter 3, [/i]however we [i]do[/i] have plans for some fun[i] Meadow [/i]updates when that time comes - we think it will be worth the wait! [b]Meadow in the Meantime[/b] [i]Meadow[/i] has been an unexpected high point in our journey and we want to say a huge thank you for making [i]Meadow[/i] what it is today - it's been four years of animal joy, and we've never stopped being surprised, touched and deeply grateful for all that you have produced and shared. [b]Thank you. [/b] Our recent Kickstarter means that there's been a few new faces in [i]Meadow[/i] recently, and we'll continue to do more Play-with-the-devs events (one soon-to-be-announced for April). We also want you to know that the emotes you've been using so effectively will be gaining a sibling in our upcoming fairytale RPG, [i]Book of Travels.[/i] Again, to all [i]Meadow[/i] players, a huge thank you for helping us test and develop this communication system and showing us how magical it can be. That's all for now - thank you for all your comments here on Steam! (We've been a little absent lately but we'll be around more often to say hello in the future.) Best Wishes, Helen and the team at Might & Delight