Book of Travels Kickstarter Ending Soon!

Fables from the Den

Take a peek beyond the hedges and delve deeper into the woods. Might and Delight invites you to join the woodland creatures in their den as they share tales and fables on life, love and everything in between.

Hello! As I write we are nearing the end of our Kickstarter campaign for Book of Travels, and if you've been thinking of getting involved and backing us but haven't done it yet, now is the time!   We write to you now to update you on two very important topics! Rewards and... a cat! [img][/img] [b]Free games now included + map book[/b] We want to make sure you don't miss out on our last little bit of Kickstarter adventure... It's been a crazy campaign and we've flown a little bit by the seat of our pants, which included adding some extra free things to the rewards bundles. Every pledge Traveller and above now gets Meadow + an illustrated Map Book, and every pledge Settler and above gets (Meadow and) Tiny Echo + an illustrated Map Book. (If you already have these games you are free to give the key to a friend!) [b]Flik the cat goes to Braided Shore [/b] Did you know we have one member of the team who is not quite human? She is Flik, our visiting cat. To celebrate the end of the campaign, and to honour the calm and chaos she brings to the studio we're going to add her into the game as a rare event, try to spot her on your travels! [b]Here is Flik in real life! [/b] Thank you so much for checking out the campaign in these final hours! We will be much more present here on Steam in the coming weeks, and we'll be opening a new thread where you can add your game ideas! If’ you haven’t clicked your way to the  campaign yet there may still be time! Here's the link once again. Best Wishes, Helen and the team at Might & Delight