New World EU17 and Friday the 13th Pet

Shakes and Fidget

Shakes & Fidget is a hilarious fantasy role-playing satire and at the same time, an award-winning RPG! Sounds crazy? With over 50 million enthusiastic players, it ranks among the most celebrated online role-playing games worldwide!

Hello heroes! The [b]NEW WORLD EU17[/b] is going to launch today at 4 PM CET. Fight your way to the top of the Hall of Fame and prove that you have what it takes to have hymns sung about your heroic deeds in the future. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12074189/a30c970f2e58676f83d7d5a91e2bf962355a677a.jpg[/img] Answer the shining call and prove yourself as a Paladin! This is your chance to be the first to climb the ranks of the new world with the new class! Join our [b]TWITCH STREAM[/b] from 4 PM CET and get started on the new world EU17: There will be many giveaways! Wait, there is more! All skilled pet hunters can find the rare [b]FRIDAY THE 13TH PET[/b] today after unlocking it in the habitat! Have a nice weekend!