川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump's Re-election

This game is for entertainment only. It does not represent any group or individual, nor does it represent or agree with any political views.A game simulating the re-election of Comrade Trump, let's write a hymn of loyalty.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38338712/cd6ee051f32f34e68a7e2457c4b5d885e6a3aeb1.png[/img] In order to "celebrate" the US election, we have updated the game. The updated contents include: [list] [*]At present, the game has supported the Steam Trading Card. [*]Added "Civil-War Ending" scenario. [*]9 news have been added to CNM news. Now CNM news will randomly select 5 news from the news database. [*]Added 4 BGMs in NetHard. Now you can customize the background music in NetHard by adding music files in NetHard folder. Now you can add wav or ogg files in it. [/list] We are looking forward for your experience and feedback.