"Comrade Trump's Re-election" will be released on September 11th

川建国同志想要连任/Comrade Trump's Re-election

This game is for entertainment only. It does not represent any group or individual, nor does it represent or agree with any political views.A game simulating the re-election of Comrade Trump, let's write a hymn of loyalty.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38338712/f28296d3b037e7a22749b47bb8e032d71857f197.png[/img] Hello, dear friends, the game "Comrade Trump's Re-election" is going to be released on steam on September 11th, which is developed by YEARS and published by Qicaihuise Game! This is a simulation of the election process of Comrade Trump comedy game. Let's write a loyal hymn! [h3]Game Info[/h3] [list] [*]Development Team: YEARS [*]Publisher: Qicaihuise Game [*]Platform: STEAM [*]Release Date: September 11th, 2020 [*]游戏类型:Strategy, Simulation, [strike]Joking[/strike] [/list]