New Patch Released: Version 1.03A

Ruin of the Reckless

Ruin of the Reckless is a breakneck-paced, melee-focused roguelike brawler with very light persistent progression elements and a punishing difficulty curve. Play with a friend!

Hello everyone! We've just pushed a new patch for Ruin of the Reckless to Steam! (Version 1.03A) It includes the following changes. [h1]Language/Translation[/h1] Russian Translation added (kinda.) Alright guys, so we did add a Russian translation, and it does work. However, it is far from complete, and needs quite a bit of troubleshooting and fixes. For that reason, it is not accessible via the normal menu from within steam. If you want to try it out, you'll need to go into your game directory, run 'RotRLanguageChooser' and select Russian from the list. Please note, we are fully aware of the various formatting issues with this translation (they are mostly caused by the fact that Russian simply takes up a lot more space than English does. If you want to best possible Russian language experience, I recommend you wait until our later fully vetted Russian language patch is released. [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] 1) Fixed a bug that prevented co-op players from starting the game via the 'main lobby warp portal' located at the top of the stairs. 2) Fixed a bug which caused orb icons to get 'lost' underneath the floor timers. [h1]Optimizations[/h1] We implemented a TON of optimizations under the hood. Please note, there are more optimizations planned for a future patch, and we do want to eventually remove all slowdown in all areas. For now, the changes in this patch should significantly reduce slowdown for those of you that have been experiencing it. Again, more changes are planned at a later date to resolve what remains of the slowdown issue for those users that are experiencing that. Happy hunting!