New Beta Test Version Available! (adds Portuguese + many fixes)

Ruin of the Reckless

Ruin of the Reckless is a breakneck-paced, melee-focused roguelike brawler with very light persistent progression elements and a punishing difficulty curve. Play with a friend!

Hello friends, We have a new beta version for you all to test (Version 1.0.2D.) This version includes many fixes and tweaks listed below. [b]To try out the patch, right click on 'Ruin of the Reckless' inside your steam library, select 'Betas' and then select 'public_beta_branch' from the drop down menu.[/b] [h1]Language/Translation[/h1] 1) Added Portuguese Language Option (to enable this, go to the install directory of the game, launch RotR Language Chooser, and select Portuguese from the launcher. RotR will now launch in Portuguese, YAY!) Please note, I do not speak Portuguese. There could be issues with this translation that I am completely unaware of. If you speak Portuguese, please give it a try and help us get this ready for the community at large! [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] 1) Fixed a very rare error that caused some users to be unable to select 'keyboard' for player one when they don't have a gamepad connected. (hopefully!) 2) Fixed an error which caused Reginald (the shopkeeper) to say a certain line of dialogue when he should not have said it. 3) Players can no longer enter the tutorial area while playing co-op. 4) Optimizations for several game elements that were causing undue slowdown/ hardware stress. [h1]Balace Changes[/h1] 1) Chests no longer drop zenny. [h1]Visual Updates[/h1] 1) By popular demand... added new icons for 'Enter' and TAB' to Loss text while inside the tower. 2) When players run out of time on a floor, a new visual effect will be shown (exclamation point), this allowed us to eliminate the "this floor is becoming unstable text" which we found to be distracting, confusing, unclear, and also obstruct the action of the game sometimes. 3) Long Chaos Card descriptions will now scroll on the Chaos Mat... preventing ugly text formatting errors. 4) Eliminated an error that caused the player reticle to fail to draw in situations where it should have drawn (like while jumping.) 5) Orb Icons now 'wrap' downwards rather than extending infinitely into the abyss of the opposite side of your monitor. 6) 'Scholar' now shows one orb for each orb you collect, instead of two. This just cuts down on visual clutterl. [h1]What's next:[/h1] Once we have verified that this new patch is stable and working for all of our testers we will move on to MAJOR OPTIMIZATIONS throughout the entire codebase. Our end goal being to eliminate 100% of the slowdown experienced by any users in all situations. On certain low end systems this may be a bridge too far, but we are confident that we can fix the vast majority of slowdown issues that some of our users are reporting.