New patch now available! (Steam Build 8549)

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

The best-selling Trine series returns to the magic of 2.5D! Join three iconic heroes as they set off on a quest through fantastical fairytale landscapes to save the world from the Nightmare Prince’s shadows.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34636198/074fb5d9336619097d065a4c6d5c6dbed167dfe2.png[/img] A new patch has been released for Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince & Trine 4: Melody of Mystery DLC. The previous patch caused some multiplayer connectivity issues for some players that we have now identified and mitigated in this patch. While not the ultimate fix to all connection problems, we hope this hotfix would improve some of the issues encountered when trying to join online games in Trine 4! Includes: [list] [*] Improved online connectivity [*] Improved debug logging information [/list] If you are still experiencing problems with the online multiplayer after these latest two patches (build 8541 and build 8549), we would appreciate if you could send us the log-file of the game. This will help us investigate the cause of the issues. The file is named trine4.log and can be found in the Appdata folder: [list] [*] Navigate to %AppData% /Trine4 → log → trine4.log [*] Attach the file to an e-mail and send it to [/list] If possible, try also running this command in Command Prompt and copy and send the outcome to us: [code]cmd /c tracert && pause[/code] We are especially interested in what the outcome for game hosts is. You can also join the [url=]Trine Series Discord[/url] and choose Trine 4 in the #info channel, and then hop over to #trine-4-mp-issues where we can discuss and debug the issue with affected users directly, or talk with other folks who have the same problems. Thank you for all your patience and cooperation with the issue!