New mode was added: Hardcore Mode.


A paranoid cybercriminal tries to regain control over an underground marketplace stolen by his former coworkers. You must utilize your hacking and intelligence gathering skills to get rid of hitmen sent by your enemies in a race with worsening mental state and terrifying hallucinations.

Hello, in today's patch I've added a Hardcore Mode. [b]Hardcore Mode[/b] Hardcore Mode has both the harder hitmen introduced in Hitman Mode and all of the horror events enabled. It additionally has following changes:[list] [*] Player receives 20% less EXP. [*] EasyLeads max. chance to scam is 30% + upgrades. [*] EasyLeads gives the player 50% less credentials (you might be forced to buy the credentials needed for Checker at TheDarkHub.onion, find a thread that sells <200 since they're expensive.) [*] Hardest hitman pattern spawns at 45+ min instead of 55+ min in Hitman Mode and 70+ min in Horror Mode. [*] Player has only 45s instead of 60s to scare off Stalkers. [/list][b]Additionaly, the Hardcore Mode has all the harder hitman modifications from the Hitman Mode:[/b][list] [*] 30% less time to kill hitmen. [*] Hitmen appear faster. [*] Harder hitman patterns are able to generate earlier than in Horror Mode. [/list] Other, unrelated changes in this patch: [list] [*] [b]EasyLeads:[/b] EasyLeads upgrades would give you +2 credentials, but the upgrade description was "+1 credentials". This has been now fixed. [*] [b]Web Browser Loading:[/b] The speed in which a page loads in was affected by current frame rate. It could vary by +/ 10%. Now it's the same no matter the fps. [*] [b]Checker:[/b] After typing "y", the text field now clears. [*] [b]Checker:[/b] Added hint that you can sell cracked accounts at TheDarkHub.onion. [*] [b]Main Menu:[/b] Normal mode was renamed to Horror Mode so the UI is consistent. [/list]