New Koral Screenshots showing new environments!


Koral, a love letter to the ocean. Dive into the beautiful underwater world as a sea current. Solve puzzles to bring back to life coral reefs and spread the beauty of the oceans in different sea ecosystems.

Hi everyone, how is your 2019 going? Already missing 2018? Still on a hangover from all the Christmas holidays stuff? :D It is never too late for presents and lately I've been working A LOT on Koral and now I can show you 4 new screenshots from the first level of Koral! :D :D See all that color and life? It is not there by default! It will be you, the player, the one to bring life to the seas. Here are a couple of screenshots showing the before and after of this process :) Big hug everyone! Can't wait to show you more. Break a leg, Carlos. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]