Koral released! 20% Release discount!


Koral, a love letter to the ocean. Dive into the beautiful underwater world as a sea current. Solve puzzles to bring back to life coral reefs and spread the beauty of the oceans in different sea ecosystems.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33142166/00d52d1afab9fc2666d68d135fbf07b2e4d3db7a.jpg[/img] Barcelona, May 16 2019. Hello. My name is Carlos Coronado. I am the game developer behind Koral. I've been working in Koral for about a year now, and today I can at last share the game with you all! Koral just began available for download just some minutes ago. If you enjoy the ocean, you will enjoy Koral. ps: Make sure to tell to your diver friend about Koral! :D ps2: Make sure to take a look at the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD5eqrRbfDs]Making Of in the sailship[/url] now!