New graphics

Super Galaxy Ball

A 3D Platformer set in space with 40+ levels and a built-in level editor. Race for the fastest times in campaign or custom levels either by yourself or with your friends online.

yo this next update brings new updated graphics [h2]New Graphics[/h2] the new graphics include procedurally generated backgrounds and planets. they are created using a seed and is generated when going from menus to in game, from in game to menus and selecting a new level while in game. i included options to disable the new graphics completely, disable in certain scenes or disable certain aspects such as spawning planets or creating new backgrounds. i also added ability to keep the seed set between scenes or have it randomized. having a set will decrease load times since when seed is set new graphics will not be recreated. [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] old skyboxes use seed to select random skybox [*] removed ability to change background when uploading level since background can now be set with seed [*] made fans close together not as loud [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] bug where correct versus seed was not being displayed for clients [*] bug where some levels with snake caused game to crash (like expert 4) [*] bug where some levels would turn off player sounds and music (like easy 34) [/list]