Never-Ending Story: Tales Of Zestiria Released

Tales of Zestiria

In a world torn by war and political skirmishes, accept the burden of the Shepherd and fight human darkness to protect your world from Malevolence and reunite humans and Seraphim.

Bandai Namco have become pretty good about PC releases lately. The Japanese publisher’s ports are still usually a bit wonky, but they’re bringing more and more games our way. And coo, look at this: the PC release of RPG Tales of Zestiria [official site] is on the same day as its console versions. Today. It’s out today. Now. It’s out now. And yes, it is a bit wonky.

I’m even more delighted by the fashion of its protagonists. Look at them – they’re like the Steps to the Final Fantasy XV’s Son of Dork.

… [visit site to read more]