[b]New starting weapon unlock system:[/b] acquire Serpent Coins from dismantling Idols. Spend those to open special Chests that will contain a weapon unlock to be used on any following runs.
[b]Default unlocks:[/b] bone, spear, staff, fist, pistol
[b]New weapon:[/b] staff -> cast all spells you have as it fires slow-moving stars at enemies.
[b]New classes:[/b] Sorcerer, Soldier, Scallywag. everyone starts as Simple, unlock more classes with the special chest.
[b]Changed spellcasting: [/b]Each attack has a chance to cast on-hit spells, which is dependant on having sufficient Brainpower. More Brains = cast Spells more often.
[b]QoL adjustments and Fixes:[/b]
[*] added a slight pause before leveling up
[*] opening chests now spawns bones on all directions
[*] total kills are now properly saved
[*] fixed regeneration recovering hp twice
[*] fixed swords breaking by pause
[*] fixed spears breaking by having sufficient skill
[*] fixed spike breaking by having sufficient speed
[*] fixed ice stopping enemy animations forever
[*] fixed halberd attack
[*] star behavior changed slightly
[*] pistol stray bullets now less useless
[*] adjusted scalling of several weapons
[*] changed weapon colors so they match their most significat stat
[*] increased star cooldown
[*] adjusted spike in many ways, added trail (mostly noticeable on crossbow)
[*] adjusted cannon graphics + now fires a larger canonball in a straight line with splinters dealing most damage close by. rotation clunkyness now mitigated by Skill.
[*] adjusted all item text to better reflect their use
[*] standardized player movement speed
[*] special Whale shrine now appears at the shop for worthy worshippers
[*] reduced flying dutchman hp, only drops bombs on 3+ depth
[*] re-added skullface mantle boss, with altered stats and abilities
[*] sped up the savage approach; reduced damage on early depths
[*] changed amount of enemies spawned by depth (slightly less enemies on depth 1, slightly more on each depth above)
[*] fixed some endboss snake problems and made their death more dramatic
[*] slowed down hallowing attack speed, increased bat shrine scalling effect on them
[*] bow samurai skeletons now have a limited supply of arrows before drawing their swords and charging in
[*] idols may spawn different types of enemies depending on depth
[*] double bosses now only arrive after a certain amount of time has passed
[*] fixed some enemy scaling
[b]New shrines:[/b]
[*] [b]Snake (speed / skill)[/b]
[*] sufficient favor grants Dust
[*] spawns several limbless
[*] [b]Frog (speed / soul)[/b]
[*] sufficient favor grants Retaliation
[*] spawns poison and sludge across the map
[b]Changed graphics:[/b]
[*] bear shrine
[*] owl shrine
[*] spider shrine
[*] elk shrine
[*] elephant shrine
[*] jellyfish shrine
Changed life chest drop types (includes Amount, Luck, Vampirism, any of the main attributes or any weapon/spell)