Necromorphosis is available now in Early Access! Patch Notes and Roadmap!

Hello fellow Skeletons, Necromorphosis is available now in Early Access! If you want to give feedback or suggestions about the game, either post a thread on the Steam Forum, or join the [url=]Moonana Discord[/url] and leave a message in the Necromorphosis Channel. [b]Here's the Roadmap for future updates:[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44721607/585c2845f81a52e18e34f5ad6ab450d128d8cc2a.png[/img] [b]And here are the Patch Notes for the Early Access Release update:[/b] [list] [*] Added a cool Cape for when you pick up Dust [*] Added Bestiary to Death (not included in Demo) [/list] Beastiary entries are hidden until you get a certain amount of kills of each enemy [list] [*] Added Credits screen to main menu [*] Added some cosmetics to the ground [*] Added more visual changes to helmets and torso armors on later levels [/list] [b]Changed class starting attributes so each has two positive and two negative traits: [/b] [list] [*] soldier +1 STR +1 SVV; -1 SPD -1 SOU [*] scallywag +1 SPD +1 SPI; -1 SKL -1 SVV [*] sorcerer +1 SOU +1 SPI; -1 SPD -1 STR [/list] Future classes to be added will alter the remaining attributes. [list] [*] Changed description text for several items [*] Changed controller aiming so it doesn't instantly return to the character [*] Reduced well-fed Sporebro damage increase so they're less likely to one shot people [*] Poison pools now fed with experience will create Sludge fish [*] Whirlwinds will carry fire and ice with them [*] Spikes will drag fire in their path [*] Adjusted spellcasting when using the Staff or any Gun [*] Fixed weapons invisibly attacking while you were rising from the ground [*] Fixed flail quantity and positioning [*] Fixed lightning not finding targets [*] Fixed menu gravity stat display not showing total gravity [/list]