Muk’s Update Now Available – Includes a buttload of FREE NEW CONTENT!

Hey there again fellow invaders! Your favorite foul mouthed Barbarians are back, and they came packing plenty of exciting new shite! So Fend off all that political nonsense with a dose of new content, as this free update introduces a [b]third campaign[/b] for more murder and mayhem, just right for slaughtering your way across [b]11 brand-new levels[/b]. Prefer to pillage with friends? Muk’s update also has you covered with [b]2 New multiplayer and skirmish levels[/b], with new features such as a [b]Mushroom Ground type tile[/b] and [b]extended setup phase[/b] and more, all to help you better annihilate your rivals. Plus you can now play [b]3 maps from single player in multiplayer online[/b] , just in case you’re not too much of a boozy numpty to have enough other people to play with. Additionally this update includes a beer-barrels worth of new fan requested features. Here’s a quick breakdown of the important additions that the update includes: [list][*]Third campaign containing eleven new levels; [*]Three maps from Local multiplayer now in Online multiplayer [*]Two new Local, Online multiplayer and skirmish levels; [*]Extended setup phase mechanic featured in the new campaign and new multiplayer levels - you can now choose buildings and squads to place on predefined spots on the battle map; [*]New tile - Fungi of Doom, which hurt units walking on them [*]You can now reset your shopping (and get your beer back) after finishing the campaign [*]Reset Campaign button (resets everything but achievements and campaign unlocks); [*]VSync ON, which improves performance on most devices. [*]MatchMaking based on game version - available battles, items; [*]Multiplayer: tweaked connection system [*]UI fixes [*]Now you can navigate with keyboard in the menus [*]Tent and Dummy item fix - now you can't put those items on existing ones [*]Let’s roll” disabled during animation (caused some overly early battle starts in MP) [*]Multiplayer: abandoned battles count as loses[/list] Pretty sweet right? So start your holiday celebration early by grabbing a few pints of foamy beer and start smashing some more skulls to add to your already impressive collection! This is not the end of the road for us though, so keep an eye out here to learn of future new updates to the game! Cheers!