FREE Plundering With Portals Update Now Available!

Hey there again fellow hairy chested conquistadors! With the enemy-crushing trend currently being revived by despots the world over, it’s only fair that you should get in on the action. So we’re thrilled to announce that we have some great news for you, as we’ve just released a new update called “[b]Plundering with Portals[/b].” This new update adds a beer barrel load of new content and features, all of which will help to make crushing the squishy will of your enemies even more fun! [h1]The Crush Your Enemies – Plundering with Portals DLC contains the following unmissable delights:[/h1] [list][*][b]Brand New “Prissy the Brute” Campaign[/b] (making four - yes four! - campaigns in total) with 10 brand new single player levels [*][b]5 Shiny New Multiplayer Levels[/b] (also available in Skirmish mode) [*][b]Brand New in-game Portal item[/b] which lets you magically transport your troops to annoy / destroy your opponents. Place two on the battlefield, and watch your troops travel instantaneously from one to the other.[/list] Sounds pretty groovy right? So go ahead and kick your new week into high gear and appreciate the finer points of good old fashioned skull-crushing, cursing and chest hair by installing the update and enjoy crushing a whole new slew of enemies using your brand new toys. We really hope that everyone enjoys this new update and we can’t thank you guys enough for all of the support that you have given us. We couldn’t ask for a better army of foul-mouthed, hairy tongued barbarians! Here’s to you!