Mirror Forge - Silent Hill Inspired Horror Game (Demo Stream)

[h1]Spoiler Alert![/h1] If you haven't played the [b]Mirror Forge Demo[/b] yet and are considering doing it, avoid this video. It contains a full playthrough of the [b]latest version update[/b] of the Mirror Forge demo. [h2]Meanwhile, check out the appearing entities in the demo[/h2] All of these entities appearing in the demo are symbolically designed. Feel free to check the demo and analyze their meaning or watch the playthrough on the official Steam page of Mirror Forge. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41526833/a89b529c10e8761adfdca2ac0ec98209e8e866e0.jpg[/img] [h2]26.02.2022 (Saturday) Developer LIVE Event on Steam[/h2] Time: 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)