MINUS ZERO is Now Available With Contest! TRIZEAL Remix Arrives on July 7th!


Triangle Service’s MINUS ZERO is a shooter that focuses on a tried-and-true shoot-’em-up weapon: the lock-on laser. It’s shoot-’em-up purity: just you, your lock-on laser, and a whole bunch of enemies. As long as you continue to blast away at the waves of enemies, you’ll maintain invincibility, but if you lose track of your position...

Degica Games is pleased to announce that the third wave of Triangle Services’s shoot-’em-up collection, Shooting Love 20XX, is coming July 7th to Steam as TRIZEAL Remix! To celebrate the releases of the first wave, Shmups Skill Test... http://store.steampowered.com/app/430290/ ...and the second wave, MINUS ZERO... http://store.steampowered.com/app/430300/ ...Degica Games is hosting a skill competition! To participate, first, you must turn on replays so we can validate your score. To turn on replays, from the start screen, select “Option”, then “Option”, then toggle “Replay Save” to “On”. Once you do that, all you have to do is play to win! The highest three scores on the leaderboard at the deadline below will each win a prerelease copy of Triangle Service’s EXZEAL! Deadline: The contest starts at MINUS ZERO’s launch, 6/16 US (6/17 Japan), and ends at 6pm PT on 6/20 in the US (10am on 6/21 in Japan).