Minus Zero Contest Results!


Triangle Service’s MINUS ZERO is a shooter that focuses on a tried-and-true shoot-’em-up weapon: the lock-on laser. It’s shoot-’em-up purity: just you, your lock-on laser, and a whole bunch of enemies. As long as you continue to blast away at the waves of enemies, you’ll maintain invincibility, but if you lose track of your position...

Following on from Shmups Skill Test, here are the results for the Minus Zero [url=http://steamcommunity.com/games/430300/announcements/detail/899973055762532626]high score contest[/url] we ran from launch. If you enjoyed it or have a suggestion or request, please feel free to leave a comment below. [olist] [*] sn_tak [*] Mutsumi_Bouken [*] Saipon [/olist] Every score has a replay, so if you're looking for hints and tips on how to climb the leaderboards, they're an ideal place to start! To the winners, please send a friend request to me so we can deliver your EXZEAL Remix key asap and to all participants, we hope you enjoyed the contest and hope to see you again. So don't miss our next competition: [url=http://steamcommunity.com/games/364250/announcements/detail/970905287447747396]XIIZEAL & DELTAZEAL![/url] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25303295/37de26cd50c58ef974e200b9170389805e655e82.jpg[/img]