Minor Update v1.2.1

Box Party

You've been invited to the biggest party of the year! But the food has gone bad, and are threatening to shut down the party... forever! Only you can stop them!

[i][b]Your old saves from v1.2 SHOULD be compatible, but due to the nature of this specific update, there is a chance it could crash.[/b][/i] [u][b]New Features:[/b][/u] -Added gibs to the pizzas. -Added 2 new paintings. -You can now change the maximum gib amount in the display options. -Added new and also very rare death animation to the melon. [u][b]Fixes/Changes:[/b][/u] -Automap Timer is no longer enabled by default, since the Speedrunning Clock makes it redundant. -The HUD now goes a lil transparent when looking at the automap. -Changed how the trajectory of melon gibs are calculated. -Removed a buncha old and unused code.