Minor Patch 1.103

Mech Shuffle

Mech Shuffle is a unique perfect information card battler. Choose your PILOT and your MECH to build your deck. Earn new weapons and upgrades, discover and master deep game mechanics. Scout the battlefield, secure the beachhead, and repel the invasion! Test your skills in Multiplayer Ranked Play!

[u][b]HOTFIX 1.103 PATCH NOTES[/b][/u] [list] [*] Fortified Slam now does 3 max damage (down from 5) [*] Hard Mode no longer rewards retry tokens [*] 'System: Self Sealing Armour' now costs (1,2,2,3) heat, up from (1,1,2,2) [/list] The balance change to Fortified Slam is meant to make Fortified Slam less of an All-In build choice. System: Self Sealing Armour is still a very strong card, and needed the heat increase to bring it in line with other very strong card choices at levels 2 and 4. Removing retry tokens from Hard Mode will serve to make Hard Mode runs more difficult, but also more rewarding on victory.