Minor Fix, 05


WELCOME TO MARKETING CITY!" SuperSuperMarket! is a tycoon based on time and money management ! Build, sell, improve your shop and your character to stay in town...

[b]Improvements : [/b] [list] [*] Removing the tip jar from competition mode [*] Increase the time customers wait at the checkout before getting angry [/list] [b]Fix : [/b] [list] [*] Fix the bug with customers getting stuck against walls and soft-locking the game [*] Thieves return items after being robbed! [/list] [b]What's next? :[/b] I'm currently working on a very special furniture that you've been asking a lot, and which will also add an upgrade ! [i][u]This will be the last addition before i really start working on 1.1.0.[/u][/i] [b]Have a great day![/b]