
WELCOME TO MARKETING CITY!" SuperSuperMarket! is a tycoon based on time and money management ! Build, sell, improve your shop and your character to stay in town...

[h2][b]New Features:[/b][/h2] [list] [*] New Cocktails: Drinking Marktails now grants random effects in exchange for a small amount of money. Discover 15 unique and fun effects. [*] Vending Machine: A Marktails vending machine has been added to the bar, allowing you to enjoy these drinks all day in exchange for money. [*] Punch Box: A new anti-thief trap has been added. This box punches any thief who steps on it (with confetti included). [*] New Achievements: 2 new achievements are now available to unlock! [*] New NPC: The barmaid at the bar is now an interactable NPC. [*] Stain Animations: Stains now have animations when they appear on the floor. [*] New NPCs: 4 new characters will randomly appear around the city. [/list] [h2][b]Improvements:[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Client Dispawn : Clients no longer despawn at 8 PM to prevent the bug where they would get stuck. [*] Language Corrections: Spelling and grammar errors in French have been corrected. [*] Increased Client Patience: Clients in need of help will now wait a bit longer. [*] Patience at the Register: Clients at the register will wait slightly longer before getting upset. [*] Basket Nerf: The basket upgrade now costs more starting from level 2 and only activates every other time a client spawns. [*] NPC Dialogue: Many NPC dialogues have been shortened and simplified to be more concise and useful. [*] Dancing Man Reaction: The dancing man will now thank you after making a purchase. [*] Cash Register Indicator: Turning off the register now removes the cashier cost indicator to show that you’re no longer paying them. [*] Shelf Restocking: Pressing "E" again while restocking shelves now allows you to exit the action. [*] UI Optimization: Issues causing the user interface to stutter have been resolved. [*] Smoother Interactions: Interactions with furniture are now smoother. [*] Polishing: Some texts and animations have been polished for a better experience. [*] Detection Zone: The detection zone of the furniture has been reduced. [*] Reduced Fridge Breakdowns: The fridge now breaks down less often. [*] Simplified Cash Handling: Taking money from the register is now easier. [*] Validation Buttons: The validation buttons for shelf restocking are no longer squashed or distorted. [/list] [h2][b]Bug Fixes:[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Clients Stuck at the Register: Fixed four issues that caused clients to get stuck at the register. [*] Mission Bugs: Fixed a bug that prevented missions from being resumed or completed after reloading a game. [*] Mission NPC: Fixed the mission NPC not displaying available missions. [*] Fridge Repair: Fixed a bug that prevented the fridge from being repaired and no longer displayed the remaining time. [*] Clients at 8 PM: Fixed an issue where clients needing help would despawn at 8 PM, making certain furniture inaccessible. [*] Happiness Impact on Prices: Fixed a bug where happiness no longer affected product prices. [*] Clients Leaving Through Walls: Fixed an issue where clients would exit the store through walls. [*] Furniture Save Issue: Fixed an issue where the number of furniture items for the repairman and janitor wasn’t saving in the inventory. [*] Dancing Man Crash: Fixed a crash caused by purchasing the dancing man’s radio. [*] Client Despawning at 6 PM: Fixed an issue where clients would despawn at 6 PM. [/list] [u]This will surely be the last update adding content to the game! Correction updates will continue to arrive, however. Thanks for everything![/u]