Mini Patch (12/08 23:00 PM)

Voxel Shogun KIritan Castle

A very cute RTS! Modify the voxel ground and defend your castle with Zundamons! A game set in Japan's medieval period, created by Japanese developers.

[h2]Feature Additions[/h2] [olist] [*] Changed the graphics so that ladder soldiers carry ladders. [*] Added food and water balance information to the tooltips of the icons in the top bar. [*] Display soil strength and cliff bonuses when hovering the mouse over the building's HP. [*] Added a surrender button to the bottom buttons during battle. [*] Added a slider representing time to the top UI. [*] Adjusted water blocks to spread less easily. [*] Adjusted the calculation of cliff face bonuses. Increased the bonus from ishigaki with technology. [*] Reduced the number of mounted warriors appearing simultaneously to ease the difficulty slightly. [*] Added a limit to match the FPS to the screen’s refresh rate for ultra-high-spec machines. [/olist] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [olist] [*] Fixed a bug where HP would drop to 0 at start of repair. [*] Likely fixed a bug where the player could level up infinitely (the cause of the issue is unknown, so it might not be fully resolved). [*] Fixed a bug where the attack power of mod original characters would be set to 1. [/olist]