Midnight Protocol is a tactical narrative-driven RPG with unique keyboard-only controls. Hack into servers, beat security systems and discover encrypted secrets while you try to find answers to why and how you got doxxed.
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We are very excited to announce that Midnight Protocol was selected as a nominee in the 2022 IndieCade Festival! That was totally IndieCade's decision and not the result of hacking into a few databases. Totally.
We've been nominated for the [i]Systemic Design[/i] award. What does that mean? Well:
[i]The Systemic Design Award honors the craft of leveraging randomness and algorithmic content or behavior to create unique and innovative interactions.[/i]
And that's not all! Apart from being specifically nominated for the Systemic Design award, we're also up for the Grand Jury Award, Jury Prix, Innovation in Experience Design, Innovation in Interaction Design, and Developer's Choice Awards!
We wanted to thank all of you for your support over the course of the last year, and we hope we can bring home a trophy! If you want to catch the award ceremony live, it'll be streamed [url=https://www.twitch.tv/indiecade]on the IndieCade Twitch channel[/url] on November 5th!
[b]Midnight Protocol[/b]
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[b]Iceberg Interactive[/b]
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