Midnight Protocol is a tactical narrative-driven RPG with unique keyboard-only controls. Hack into servers, beat security systems and discover encrypted secrets while you try to find answers to why and how you got doxxed.
[i]m.OS loading[/i]
[i]m.OS system check..... OK[/i]
[i]All done >>[/i]
Thank you for your patience as we continue to hammer out the custom campaign editor. There were 2 major issues preventing people from both uploading their creations to the workshop and playing them. Both of these should be resolved. Keep in mind that in order to enjoy workshop content, you need to accept [url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/workshoplegalagreement/]Steam's EULA[/url].
If you were itching to upload your own creation, keep in mind that you will have to re-upload your campaign following this update.
Thank you for your continued feedback! The Campaign Editor is a complex feature and your voice has been invaluable. Keep it coming!
Full change list is below. It's a doozy. In addition, we added a more [url=http://midnightprotocol.net/ScriptingOverview.html]general scripting overview[/url] to the website. [url=http://midnightprotocol.net/APIDocumentation.html]The API documentation[/url] has also been updated, appending a few new functions and fixing some examples that were wrong.
[b]General changes:[/b]
[*] Hive now shows its total damage on its program card
[*] Fixed the audio blast that could happen while the game does not have focus and sundrops are in play
[b]Campaign Editor:[/b]
[*] Fixed an issue where only players who had created custom campaigns could play them
[*] Fixed an issue that prevented players from uploading their custom campaigns to the workshop
[*] Added scriptable logic to the vault node
[*] Added scriptable logic to the financial node
[*] Fixed the OnEnter event not triggering
[*] Removed the script button from node connections
[*] You can now encrypt System Nodes as well
[*] Fixed an issue where multiple data nodes would show the same content while testing the mission. Please note that you will have to reopen the network in the map editor and save it for the bug to go away.
[*] The port scanner now shows the correct node types for custom missions
[*] You can add your own port scanner information for custom missions (up to 3)
[*] You can now define a custom name for the player in a custom campaign. If this name is set, the campaign will show a custom login screen when starting the campaign.
[*] The mission property window got a visual overhaul
[*] The "Create new mission" button was renamed to "Create new network"
[*] You can now configure the starting credits for your custom campaign
[*] Added a button to the main menu that will lead you to the workshop
[*] Added audio to the map editor load
[*] Fixed the sound blast when creating nodes
[*] Added a credits node to the logic graph
[*] Added a "credits required" to the player email responses
[*] Added a Play SFX api, allowing you to play custom sound effects from an audio folder
[*] Added a "Remove Mission" node to the logic graph
[*] Added "Relay" node to the logic graph, which will just forward its signal
[*] Added an IncreaseTrace method to the API
[*] Added a DecreaseTrace method to the API
[*] Added a GetTrace method to the API
[*] Added a SetCameraZoom method to the API
[*] Fixed an issue where deleting a node did not delete the associated script files
[*] Fixed an issue where deleting a node did not delete the SysOp if it was present
[*] The following is now disabled during a custom campaign: The intranet, the people tab in the information screen, the edge of the net app, the audio app, the challenges in the status screen, the unlock messages in the status screen.
[*] Clover's Gambit is renamed to "m.OS - Core" in custom campaigns
[*] While using escape to exit a network you are testing while in the network editor, you will now return to the network editor.
[*] Fixed the TAB control in the vault node and data node property window
[*] Added an icon to the logic graph to indicate how to pan the camera (MMB + move mouse)
[*] Fixed a few typos