Merry Christmas!

ABD: A Beautiful Day

ABD: A Beautiful Day is an MMORTSS (Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Survival Strategy) that spans from 100,000 B.C.E. to 245 B.C.E.. Play ABD in a 24 hour, 7 days a week continuous environment to build your civilization, play with friends, and battle exposure in the process.

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, and may the New Year be a good one for all of us! I would have posted an update on Christmas Eve but Steam was experiencing issues in the community hub. Jack stayed up until the wee early hours on Christmas Eve (against my wishes) to finalize an update for ABD, and it is really quite something. Coupled with Boris's work this week and last, the following items have been updated: -Structures. (Storage, Misc.) -Minions. (New Models; will cooperate with Reproduction/Aging process soon.) -Items. (Equipment, Tools, Weapons - Plus stats, costs, and purchasables.) The upcoming week we will be focusing on gathering footage for a gameplay trailer, and doing final tweaks to accomidate said trailer. Also, we'll be doing some fine tuning of stats/items/values as well. Once stability on public (non Alpha-Beta tests) is nailed down, we will have met all of our objectives for the core of the game. Whats left is a few module/functions and fine tuning. The core is really solid, and it should be pretty exciting to see what happens after we accomplish these last couple months of development. Of course we'll continue to develop, you know what I mean. Lastly, when we get the trailer out I was going to do a Free Weekend promotion, but our license to run such large numbers of players well exceeds our total sales ammount. Once we generate enough sales to cover that additional hefty license, we will be doing a free weekend. Long story short, Q1 of 2016 will be very interesting for ABD: A Beautiful Day.