[i]*Owners of the Japanese version of "The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak (Kuro no Kiseki)" will automatically receive English language support in an update scheduled for July 5, 2024.[/i]
[b]Van Arkride[/b] is a spriggan who takes on jobs that can't be brought to the police or the bracers, and has cultivated a wide network of contacts due to the nature of his work. But little does he know that his latest job will be his toughest one yet!
[b]Agnès Claudel[/b] is a first-year student at Aramis Academy who seeks a stolen orbment that belonged to her late great-grandfather. For this critical job, she turns to the Arkride Solutions Office, which is said to accept any kind of request.
[b]Aaron Wei[/b] is the leader of a local gang in Langport's Eastern Quarter, as well as a practioner of the Gekka school of swordsmanship. His skill and charisma have drawn the attention of the crime syndicate Heiyue, who seek to recruit him as one of their executives.
[b]Feri Al-Fayed[/b] is a young jaeger belonging to the elite jaeger corps, the Warriors of Kruga. Though naive in the ways of the city, she is relentless in battle. When a fellow jaeger corps suddenly goes missing, Feri seeks out the help of a problem-solver in Edith who is said to accept any job.
[b]Risette Twinings[/b] is a maid who works as a service concierge for Marduk Total Security Company. She supplies Van with special weapons and apps for his orbment from Marduk in exchange for his help testing said products, and despite her elegant appearance, is a formidable force in battle.
[b]Quatre Salision[/b] is a researcher enrolled in the Basel Institute of Science's master's program, despite only being fifteen years old. He specializes in the research, development, and operation of orbal drones, and commands the drones FIO and XEROS in combat.
[b]Judith Lanster[/b] is one of the top actresses in the entire orbal film industry, known for her acting skills, work ethic, and sense of justice. However, she also seems to have another, behind-the-scenes job that she pursues between acting gigs...
[b]Bergard Zeman[/b] is a master of the Kunlun style, one of the East's three great martial arts schools, and has a number of disciples scattered across the continent. He was also Van's former master, and taught him proper martial arts. When the war between the Erebonia and Calvard began, Van received news that Bergard had lost his life in an incident, but that seems to have not been the case...
[h2]English Launch Purchase Options[/h2]
The English release is almost here! To mark the occasion, enjoy better discounts on the Deluxe and Ultimate editions, and limited-time bonuses until July 11, 2024!