May 25, 2022 Patch Notes:Mainly Optimized for The Control

Soda Crisis

Soda Crisis is a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter game. You play a mysterious character of unknown origin, equipped with advanced high-tech gears and fierce combating skills - definitely the chosen one for this rescue mission!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40304504/1f60910993f230935afd3783be41715f45eb61ad.jpg[/img] Hello dear gamers! Our game went live yesterday. In the past day, we’ve got very positive reviews (83% of the reviews are positive). Also, we’ve got a lot of feedbacks from our players. Some of these problems are mentioned multiple times, and we believe that solving these problems is important. So, we tried our best to do the optimizations as fast as possible. We improved quite a few mechanics and details of the control, while trying to keep the challenge and gameplay being fun. Such as, it’s not an instant death when dropping into the depth; some optimizations on the interactions with the background wall are implemented, we added a bunch of different methods to trigger those actions; we also added auto sprint feature so that the gamers who prefer not pressing the sprint key all the time don’t have to do that anymore, etc. The detailed improvements are listed down below. 1. The character won’t die instantly when dropping off the cliffs. Instead the character will be transported to a safe place, and receive a 10 HP damage. 2. Sprint is now by default without having to press the sprint button. You can change it back to manual control in the options menu. 3. Pressing forward against the wall will make the character start climbing the wall automatically. 4. No knockbacks will be performed if the character is attached to a zipline. 5. The double jump prop is available earlier in the game. 6. The “Attach” action will interrupt the “Dodging” action now. 7. When dodging in the air, the falling speed is decreased more. 8. When dodging on the side wall (background wall), the character won’t fall downwards. 9. After dodging, the character will attach to the side wall (background wall) automatically (if there is a side wall). 10. Coyote time is added to the zipline. Jump input when coming off a zipline is more forgiving. We hope these improvements can effectively make your experience better. Also, we want to say thanks to the gamers who gave us all of these valuable feedbacks. We believe that our game will be more and more awesome with your help. Thank you very much!