Soda Crisis is a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter game. You play a mysterious character of unknown origin, equipped with advanced high-tech gears and fierce combating skills - definitely the chosen one for this rescue mission!
[h3][b]Level Editor[/b][/h3]
[*]Undo & Redo Support
[*]You can find them on the left side of transform toolkits,
[*]or you can perform undo / redo by using combine key Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y.
[*]This function is only valid for object related operations, including: selecting / creating / deleting objects, trasnform operations (setting visibility, position, rotation and scale), and object property modification.
[*][b]Attention: Each time you open other level files, switch blocks, and perform block management, the system will restart recording operation, and the previous records will be cleared.[/b]
[*]New Objects Added: Enemy Spawner, Enemy Spawn Point.
[*]"Invoke Event on Start" toggle is added to all event objects.
[*]Now player can attack sawblade in custom level, but no damage would make.
[h3][b]Bug Fix[/b][/h3]
[*]Fixed issue that cloning object does not work when player is using context menu in the editor.