March 22nd Update

Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer is a fast paced arena PvP brawler with local and online multiplayer. Gather your friends and brace yourselves for some intense brawling! Choose between five unique characters with different weapons, special moves and styles.

We've recently deployed a patch to Bell Ringer which fixes some of the initial issues that have been discovered. [h1]Fixed:[/h1] [list] [*]Players should no longer be locked out of remote games after hosting a game. [*]Player names should now be displayed correctly in the remote game lobby. [*]Player character selections should now be displayed correctly in the remote game lobby. [*]Bot settings should now be displayed correctly in the local game lobby. [*]If the two last players in a round die simultaneously the game should no longer soft-lock. [*]The "Back-button" should now be enabled in local level select screen. [*]The remote games list should now be automatically refreshed upon entering screen. [*]Start button in remote game lobby should no longer prompt clients to press buttons (as the server is the only one that can start a game). [/list]