April 29 Update

Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer is a fast paced arena PvP brawler with local and online multiplayer. Gather your friends and brace yourselves for some intense brawling! Choose between five unique characters with different weapons, special moves and styles.

It's time for another patch for Bell Ringer! This one addresses some of the combat problems and expands the campaign game mode a bit. [h1]Features[/h1] [list] [*] Difficulty setting in campaign game mode [*] Achievements for campaign completion [/list] [h1]Changes[/h1] [list] [*] Campaign monster spawn timings and locations have been adjusted [*] Basic attack knockback will now diminish with repetitive use [*] Increased hitbox sizes for more lenient collisions [*] Normalized size of blood effects [*] Gutrip is now armed to the tusks [*] Campaign respawn location should now be selected based on monster presence [/list] [h1]Bugs[/h1] [list] [*] Special moves should no longer kill players in one hit [*] Character platform jump precision should now be the same as for bots [*] Characters should be less prone to losing their model in online games [*] Opening the ingame menu should now correctly pause the campaign [*] Player setup should now be correctly adjusted when entering the campaign start screen [*] Monster death animations should now have a more consistent play rate [/list]