Mar. 2,2021 updated


SMILE GAME BUILDER is a game making software. Programming is NOT a required skill! All necessary materials are included such as 3D models, graphics, music and more. NOW, all you need is your creativity!

[h2]Update Information[/h2] [h2]SMILE GAME BUILDER Vers1.12.9[/h2] [h3]=== New Function ===[/h3] - Added 29 new 3D models for use in trap events. [h3]=== Bug Fixes (SMILE GAME BUILDER) ===[/h3] - We've fixed an error: If you create a common event that transports the player to a different map, and then call it from another map event, the player may not be transported to the specified map correctly. - When the character description section of the status window has more than three lines, the text has been modified to be displayed in a reduced size. - We've fixed an error: If there are two or more "." (periods) in the name of the texture used in a 3D model, the texture will not import properly. - We've fixed an error: The player may find that the magic status of weapons and armor is displayed at twice the set value. - We've fixed an error: After selecting "Re-add System Resources" in the Add Assets window, an exception error occurs when the OK button is pressed without selecting any item. - We've fixed an error: After the party is defeated, adding more members in a battle event will make it impossible to proceed. - We've fixed an error: Even if a party member is removed from a common event during a battle, the command that was instructed first will still be effective. - We've fixed an error: When using a battle event during a battle, an error occurs when trying to change the image of a character who is not participating in the battle. - We've fixed an error: If HP or MP is 0, the command will not work correctly when using the event panel "Advanced Variable Box Op." to get a percentage of the value. [h3]=== Bug Fixes (Exporter for Unity) ===[/h3] - When importing in Unity 2019 or later, the automatic deletion of incompatible objects error has been fixed. - The custom importer settings have been fixed to be changed only in the \res folder.