A young man inherits his grandfather's mansion on one condition: He can never fire the head maid. Now he is the lord of the manor, free to pursue all his perverse desires...
Well, well, my stalkers of maids. The time has come. As in, here, right now, is the time to pay attention. Are you paying attention? You are? Good.
[h2]Maid Mansion Release Date - November 13th, 2020
[/h2]You'll be entering the mansion on November 13th. We plan to go live sometime around [b]9pm EST / 6pm PST[/b] that evening. [b]Critical Bliss[/b], our publisher, has given us their complete support in that release date, and will be helping us ramp up excitement as we get closer to that date.
Right now, [b]Belgerum[/b] is working really hard on getting everything done for the final release, and he should be right on time. I've been able to keep testing builds as he goes, and am loving it (obviously). He's done fantastic work, and I'm truly grateful for how well it's looking.
Hope you guys are all excited to see it!!
[h2]Maid Mansion Trailer[/h2]
We should also have a [b]brand new trailer[/b] ready to go by the end of this week, so it'll definitely be ready in time for release before the 13th. [b]WhiteCharisma[/b] has done a great job so far, and he'll be working the next couple days to iron out the last few details and requests we had for the video. It's a great little 56 second trailer to get you in the proper maid mood.
[h2]Final Thank You[/h2]
For all the hundreds of people that supported us years ago on Kickstarter and have waited all this time, thank you. To all of you thousands out there that have added Maid Mansion to your [b]WISHLIST here on STEAM[/b], thank you for that as well! We have updated our STEAM page to reflect our release date, and welcome you to join us when we launch. If you drag some other people along with you to buy up some of that maid action, I won't say no to that... Honestly, it would really help us on launch, as well as any (hopefully) positive reviews too, if you like the game, would be super awesome too.
After launch, please be sure to bring us anything you find and we will of course try our best to fix it as quickly as possible! [b]Belgerum[/b] already has several games out so this release probably feels kinda standard for him, but I can be a bit of a nervous wreck. But I want to do my best for our [b]CrazyCactus[/b] fans, so we're making [b]Maid Mansion[/b] to be something I hope you'll enjoy.
Okay so this update was a [b]HUGE[/b] wall of text. But I hope you enjoyed it. Perhaps my next update will be shorter and sweeter with just sharing our trailer video. :D
See you soon!
--Cactus a.k.a. The Paul Revere of "THE MAIDS ARE COMING, THE MAIDS ARE COMING!!" ;)