Maid Mansion - On-Track for Late October

Maid Mansion

A young man inherits his grandfather's mansion on one condition: He can never fire the head maid. Now he is the lord of the manor, free to pursue all his perverse desires...

Well all you maestros of maids, I have gotten your attention with this progress update. As it stands, [b]Belgerum[/b] and I are on-track with development, and he's spot-on with his schedule for coding. He recently passed about the [b]25% mark[/b] a few days ago for the game, and I've continued to play-test as it all moves along, which has been great. Once again I'd like to thank all players who played the most recent demo! As a reminder to all, if you could [b]WISHLIST[/b] the game, that would mean a whole lot to us! Plus, it has the added benefit of letting you know exactly when the game has been released and is ready to be played ([b]late October[/b]). [h2]STEAM Assets [/h2]For STEAM, we've finalized assets needed for the game, aside from badges, which I will get to in a moment. Trading cards are done, wallpapers are done ([i]these will be included for all Kickstarter backers regardless of "progress" via STEAM[/i]), and the emotes look fantastic too. [h2]Wallpapers[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38310058/9174f7ae2db6e9a68ff01f7e847e9f62aedd2dd7.png[/img] [i]Wallpaper Example 1 - Main Menu Style [/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38310058/edcdeac8aeb3633158d062165192b1070b607223.png[/img] [i]Wallpaper Example 2 - The Main Cast [/i] [h3]ADDITIONAL WALLPAPERS... [/h3] Aside from those examples, [b]each[/b] of the main cast will have [b](2) of their own wallpapers[/b], with one focusing on one of their CGs and the other focusing on the sprite set against one of the game's backgrounds. [h2]EMOTES[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38310058/8f57aff521a594c1692f745142413ee818484b27.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38310058/fdbbb6ec5483244eb4bf2f541be4d8ff12360ac6.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38310058/ff0808cef4dbb649aecfa8514683f0276657323d.png[/img] [i](Sorry for the bad formatting with these)[/i]... Anywho, the emotes are [b]completely done[/b] and ready to be found/earned in the game. Honestly, I think they all came out pretty great and there's [b]10[/b] for the game altogether (different rarities, of course). A lot of this stuff for STEAM was all new to me, but I'm learning and listening and taking lots of advice as I go. [h2]BADGES[/h2] We had some original badges that didn't work out well for STEAM, so we decided to go a different route, and currently the WIP for the badges will be posted below... They're going to get a little more "polishing" up but these are what they will be for [b]Maid Mansion[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38310058/a9b2bfac3c85aeb2adb749c2dd7265833b3c1496.jpg[/img] [h2]Physical Rewards [/h2] For those that backed the Kickstarter campaign and pledged for [b]physical rewards[/b], I will be putting together a poll/survey ([i]planned to be sent out later this month - September[/i]) for backers to check out what newer options have become available. For example, I know that we promised CDs for a certain tier, but was curious if seeing if the idea of a [b]custom flash-drive[/b] was more attractive instead. Something like that would be more functional and valuable beyond having the game loaded on it. Aside from that, I'd have a few other questions, but need a little more time. As you can probably guess, physical rewards would have to [b]wait longer to be fulfilled[/b], likely worked on after the game's release in late October (so worked on in November and December) and hopefully delivered sometime [b]early 2021[/b]. Until next time... [b]--Cactus, Lord of Maids, Nuns, Cowgirls... whatever your crazy mind can imagine.[/b]