Mahou Update

Quantum Protocol

A deckbuilding card game where it's always your turn. Play as the master hackers of Quantum and take on the most dangerous malware in the world. Every action matters. Make plays, upgrade your deck, and break the enemy board!

[previewyoutube=9w5EpB5OlXo;full][/previewyoutube] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37905959/8630e23cdbdd7b76ba6121eafb4ddb0a44b71c9d.png[/img] The Mahou deck is here! Take control of the magical girls and their powerful companions to take on any threat! This deck is simple to learn but incredibly hard to master, if you're looking for a simple [strike]cute[/strike] deck with a lot of room to learn and grow, Mahou might be for you! I am also super excited to announce that the game is now available in Japanese!!! Select it in the options menu <3 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37905959/03d4e2920bf40ffb1bdc483cc7d3bb925becc7a4.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37905959/29ed70a599592562a893b32c1b7c31ca2cce70b0.png[/img] Also added are new rematches with some old bosses, they're pretty tough! If you haven't yet, please consider leaving a review on Steam. Even if just a few words. It really helps keep the game alive and allows me to make updates like this! Now for the regular update stuff: [u]New Stuff[/u] [b]NEW [/b]Japanese language support!!!!! [b]NEW [/b]Mahou deck. [b]NEW [/b]rematch with Zarakuri [b]NEW [/b]rematch with Zeaper [b]NEW [/b]gallery picture of magical idol IDOL (get it?! XD) [u]Cards[/u] [b]NERFED [/b]Reincarnation. Can no longer target itself. [b]FIXED [/b]Apollo.cross not working vs hand damage. [b]FIXED [/b]Tanzaku.spirit so it works better with multiple copies. [i]For all 3 of you spirit players out there, this is a bug fix and a buff.[/i] [b]FIXED [/b]wording of Greed algo. Reads better now. [b]FIXED [/b]Encore ability not working properly with cards that looked for cards in the hand (like Yuki). [i]This one is too specific to explain here, but basically: Encore works more like you think it does.[/i] [u]Enemy[/u] [b]CHANGED [/b]Slime boss rematch. It's different. Less janky. [b]BUFFED [/b]Tsukuyomi boss. attack 2->3 [b]FIXED [/b]White.tlsm to just be ONCE (was ONCE and UNIQUE). [u]Game[/u] [b]BUFFED [/b]emoji in talking scenes. They're bigger :D [b]CHANGED [/b]font. Part of the localization update. [b]UPDATED [/b]card tooltip upgrade bracket location. [i]Fancy way of probably wont notice but it bothered me.[/i] [b]FIXED [/b]bug where ascensions could show cards for decks you do not have unlocked yet. [b]REMOVED [/b]difficulty mode on ascension end level report. [i]Difficulty mode doesn't work on ascensions, so the end level report has no need to show it.[/i] [b]FIXED [/b]issue where generic cards would drop far more often than they should. [i]Oops.[/i] [b]REMOVED [/b]subtle color difference on next wave radar for higher level enemies. [i]This was a leftover from long ago, it is not supposed to be here, it was just so subtle and hard to notice that it went unnoticed until now.[/i] [u]System[/u] [b]FIXED [/b]issue related to online systems causing memory leaks. Special thanks to nyan komi for the cover image! Consider stopping by the Discord! A lot of these updates come from what we talk about there! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37905959/2aad81291eb17a9180405209526a6e8eb064395f.jpg[/img][/url]