To celebrate our impending console release on Xbox we have created a number of new and very difficult challenge maps. This will be a free content pack and it is in the process of being packaged, fine-tuned and polished for all of you. Expect it to ready for release in just a few weeks!
As some of you might remember we asked for playtesters recently for our new challenge maps. Our call for help was answered and soon these new maps will be ready for you to dive in and try your skills. These maps have been specifically designed to be really tough, some with a more puzzle-focused approach and others with a more trickjumping-oriented style. Both have been on high demand from you guys, and we have been listening to your feedback.
We are really looking forward to seeing you try out the new stuff and hope that you enjoy the challenge. Let us know what you think of the new maps when we launch!
For those of you who have been waiting to play the game on console we are also happy to announce that the two first challenge maps from our collector’s edition will be included in the package, free of charge.
Have a great week and, as always, thanks for playing our game.
Take care!
Daniel Ström
Guru Games