Five Free Delightfully Frustrating Challenge Maps For the Fans!

Since we launched Magnetic back in May, there has been plenty of people demanding new content for the game. Some wanted ports to other platforms, whilst others wanted different types of guns. However the thing that people have been requesting the most, is more difficult puzzles and bigger levels which are not as “boxed in” (pun totally and completely intended) as those found in the original game. We’re proud to report that we have listened to these requests, and as per usual we might have even taken it a bit too far. We decided to unleash all of the pent-up sadistic creativity that we’ve been safely containing in the studio, and just let people go crazy with the level design. The result? These Five completely unique challenge maps that even hardcore puzzle fans will have trouble with: [list] [*] [b]Adventure:[/b] A puzzle-focused map where fans of Magnetic will have to think carefully about how to use the resources at hand. [*] [b]Equation:[/b] The Curiatis policy is ”No Box Left Behind”. Equation embodies that concept while giving players some new ways of using the gun in the process. [*] [b]Gauntlet:[/b] Each section is harder than the one that came before it. Timing and lots of patience are the keys to getting through the Gauntlet. It’s probably the most difficult in the bunch. [*] [b]Sequence:[/b] One step forward, five steps back. [*] [b]Twister:[/b] Twister will take you on a ride, soaring through the air. If trickjumping in spirals sounds like your cup of tea, then you may have found your dream map. [/list] This is what you get, and all of it is available now as a free DLC-package. Once downloaded, these new maps can be found under the “Time Trial”-section, after all the regular levels under the “Challenge” section. Did we mention they are delightfully frustrating? Thought so.