Magi Scapes Demo Minor Update Announcement 2024.10.24


Welcome to Magiscapes, the world's first AI sandbox adventure! Build your camp, create AI companions, and form unique bonds through interactions. Embark on a journey of discovery and enjoy the freedom to explore!

[h1]2024.10.24 Minor Update Details [/h1] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [olist] [*] Fixed a bug where players might revive upon exiting the game after death [*] Fixed a bug where the wrong amount of resources was consumed when placing torches [*] Fixed an occasional bug with companion right-click interactions [*] Fixed an occasional bug with item right-click interactions [*] Fixed a bug where the revive button needed to be pressed twice in some cases [*] Fixed a bug where heavily injured companions would revive while protecting players [*] Fixed a bug where dropped items blocked projectiles [*] Fixed a bug where animal sprite sequences could freeze when hit [*] Fixed a bug where characters might get stuck when hit during a sprint [/olist] [h2]Feature Optimizations[/h2] [olist] [*] Optimized certain UI performances [*] Updated some audio elements [*] Improved how AI companions overlap with players [*] When players exit the game outside of the camp map, re-entering will resume the game from the map at the time of exit [*] Improved the logic for displaying health bars on objects in the map [*] Enhanced recruitment suggestions when hiring male companions [*] Optimized dawn and dusk logic [*] Updated global lighting logic [*] Quest rewards now display item descriptions [*] Monsters now have visible health bars [*] No longer drops tile items when altering terrain [*] On maps without a camp flag, NPCs leaving the party will automatically return to camp [*] Added a new crop – Chili Pepper [*] Unlocked more maps connected to the initial map [/olist]