Mac and Linux and Humble InDIE Bundle 13

Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack

A sci-fi puzzle-platformer of cataclysmic proportions! You’re an ill-tempered blob that grows in size by swallowing everything in its path. Evolve from a tiny captive into a world-eating giant. Use your mutant blob powers to devour the pathetic humans and all of civilization!

Hey gang, We're excited to announce that Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack is now available for Mac and Linux platforms. If you already own Mutant Blobs Attack and are viewing this on a machine running macOS or Linux, chances are the game is already ready for you to click play in your Steam Library. [IMG][/IMG] [h1]HUMBLE INDIE BUNDLE[/h1] Also, Mutant Blobs Attack launches TODAY on Mac and Linux as part of Humble InDIE Bundle 13! Hallowe'en has already come and gone. Stock up Mutant Blobs Attack and nine other awesome games to keep the spooky spirit going! Included in the bundle: OlliOlli, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Tower of Guns, Amnesia A Machine for Pigs, Jazzpunk, Risk of Rain, The Novelist, Eldritch, and Shadowrun Returns. And by supporting the bundle, you make a donation to charity (which is always nice). Go and absorb it into your computer now!