Lunistice ver. 1.03 Out Now!


Lunistice is a 3D Platformer created with simple & fun gameplay and a cute PS1/SEGA Saturn inspired artstyle in mind. Take the role of Hana the Tanuki and jump and fight through her dreams!

[h2]Hello everyone![/h2] Time for another quick update! [b]Ver. 1.03 is now LIVE![/b] I'll make it short and sweet, so check out the changelog below <3 [h2]Lunistice ver. 1.03 Changelog[/h2] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*]Made timings for jumping at the end of grind rails in 6-2 a bit more lenient [*]Rebalanced rail segment in 3-1 level secret [*]Rebalanced final rail segment in 3-2 to be a bit more forgiving [*]Rebalanced "blind drop" in 6-1 [*]Changed input buffer for launchers. It should be harder to accidentally double jump and miss the target when being launched now. [*]Removed Hana's "A-Pose" from all animations. Just to be clear: it wasn't an "A-Pose", by the way, it was an actual falling animation and it was *certainly* not a T-Pose, what are you even talking abou--- [i]hey what are you doing don't take away my keyboa-[/i] [*]You can now actually use the down button in the act selection for stage 7 [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed camera recentering not working properly on grind rails [*]Fixed invisible collider in spiral bridge section of stage T [*]Fixed glitching into file select from results menu by spamming ESC [*]Fixed softlock by resetting to checkpoint while bouncing off a platform and entering a water bubble [*]Fixed grind rail overlay vanishing when switching to hi-res mode while on a rail [*][i]Fixed Stage 5-2 music[/i] [/list]