"Lost Lullabies - The Orphanage Chronicles" is a Co-Op horror game set in 1980, inspired by the real stories of an orphanage ruined by a fire in 1960 Lowell. Playable with 1-4 players, the goal is to identify and expel malevolent spirits alone or with your team.
Hello everyone! We hope you're all enjoying Next Fest. Thank you for playing our game and providing your feedback. We’re aware of the issues you've reported and have made several fixes to address them.
[b]Patch Notes[/b]
[*] We have fixed the bug that caused the game to randomly assign you to regions.
[*] We have added a button in the main menu where you can select your region.
[b]Remember, in order to play with your friends, you need to select the same region. Thank you all for your support![/b]