Little Briar Rose

Little Briar Rose is a very special, stained glass-styled adventure game inspired by the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27005500/9dcb3d1014be8d24ce72aecb68ab5a32b02b2f8d.png[/img] Hi there! Three days left before Steam Sales ends. We hope you're enjoying your holidays with this summer's gaming round! We are happy to update you with a feature we've been working on for a while. [h1] Controller Support (Beta)[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27005500/8f80d74ebfc6a73ce1baab964cec7573f1a6b45e.png[/img] You can now play Little Briar Rose with your controller. A bunch of things have been tweaked to work as intended with the new system, so we are releasing this feature in Beta. Let us know if anything weird happens! We hope -not- to hear news from you! ;D You can reach us thourgh the Steam community hub or at our [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/ElfGamesWorks]Discord channel[/url] [h1]Fishing game Polishing[/h1] Seizing the opportunity presented by the controller integration, we've polished a bit the fishing game. We're sure you'll find it less frustrating. ;) [h1]Call for Translators: First Round Results[/h1] A week have passed and we are excited by your love for Little Briar Rose! We know how effort goes into translating it, so we wanted to thank all of those that are helping us. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27005500/69ac192e57dfbf29fee52d111fdc2baf3ddc9ac5.jpg[/img] [b]Alexandra Letelier González[/b] and [b]Astro[/b] are giving their support for, respectively, the [b]Spanish [/b] and [b]Russian language[/b]. There still a lot to do and they are doing great, but any bit of help is precious! [h1][b]If you ever wanted to gets into translating a game in your language, or you wish to help, here is how you can:[/b][/h1] Go to [url=http://translate.elfgamesworks.com/collaboration/project?id=300139]This Link[/url] Select which language you want to translate it to (If your language is not listed, please report to us) Create an account for free to start translating! Thank you! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27005500/e8795e32f8fa458eda4b07dcbd28a575e12ccada.gif[/img] That's all for now. Follow us on: [url=https://discordapp.com/invite/elfgames]Discord[/url] [url=http://twitter.com/ElfGamesWorks]Twitter[/url] [url=http://www.facebook.com/ElfGamesWorks.Team]Facebook[/url] [url=http://www.instagram.com/ElfGamesWorks]Instagram[/url] See you next time!