Listen closely in Explore: Music — “Good Vibrations”

Cell to Singularity - Evolution Never Ends

The epic story of evolution, technology, humanity, and dinosaurs is yours to tap.

Welcome Universe Architects! Coming in hot after the release of the Civilization: Neolithic Age update, a new event has taken the stage. For today’s show, it’s time to get loud. Hop to the beat and blow your horn. Clap your hands for [b]Explore: Music — Good Vibrations[/b], live today at [b]11 AM EST[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34010837/375d0dce6e01ff02337d7f24406f4107e5457492.png[/img] Sound is all around us, from the crash of a wave to the tap of a foot. It takes something truly special to turn a sound, a beat or a couple of notes into a medium that can captivate and inspire. How have humans managed to form a global phenomenon from such a simple concept? [h1]Notes take the Stage🎶[/h1] Explore the journey from sound to music as we follow humanity’s drive for creativity. From the bang of a primitive drum to sensational pop, this tree's beat is truly unique. [list] [*] Listen through seven new generators and fifty three trait nodes as you explore through the evolution of sound. [*] Tap to collect new currency and add to your melodious ensemble: [b]Music Notes[/b] and [b]Songs[/b]. [*] Blare the new [b]Saxophone Quantum Charge[/b] to gain new currencies. [*] Follow the history of music from what was once an isolated group activity to a worldwide phenomenon accessible to all. Everyone can be a star! [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34010837/1686504bc68e6fd1bba50d3e68abd7123bf7ce68.jpg[/img] [h1]Coming to You Live🎤[/h1] Listen closely and you’ll be able to hear the different BGM tracks between the tree and garden view. The BGM track is noticeably softer in the garden so that the sounds from the instruments can shine through. [list] [*] Create a band with a new instrument with each generator unlocked. Show us your inner musician by playing on the instruments in the garden view. [*] Instruments strut their stuff as musical notes and sound effects appear with each tap. [*] Nanobots are dancing to the beat as both new currencies can be redeemed in the new event. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34010837/87abddb19284d66fa32201fffd0075dc2633525a.png[/img] [h1]Exclusive New Rewards[/h1] Get them while they're hot! Available only in this show, three new badges are available for all to indulge. [list] [*] Enjoy popular hits with new badges- [b]Waves of Sound[/b], [b]A Melodic Recipe[/b] and [b]A Musical Mix[/b] as they reach top charts. [*] A new logit prize is ready to be added to your collection. Listen to eight songs from across the simulations in your portable Jukebox. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34010837/cb45cc70a7b43722a1503d4d3d3a55cd802eb723.gif[/img] [h1]Explore: Music — Good Vibrations is available to all players today, November 20th at 11AM EST![/h1] Accompanying the release, we will also have a Let’s Play event today on Discord from 11am to 12pm EST. Play together with the devs as we talk about the event. Let us know how much you are able to complete within the hour. Tune in next week as we release another dev diary. We will sadly be skipping this month’s livestream due to the Thanksgiving (US) holiday. We have another livestream scheduled for December to mark the end of 2023. We would like to thank our beta test players for giving us feedback to help fine tune the event. Your support was crucial as we welcomed a new member to the team. All players are encouraged to give us feedback and we can’t wait to hear what you think of this event. Thank you for listening. Always stay cellular! - The Cells Team