Examine How Humans Tick in Explore: Human Body — “Anatomy of Life”

Cell to Singularity - Evolution Never Ends

The epic story of evolution, technology, humanity, and dinosaurs is yours to tap.

Welcome Universe Architects! Opening up into the new year, a brand new event is ready to be dissected. Get ready to explore what makes humans so different. Is it our organic bodies or something else? Connect like never before in [b]Explore: Human Body — Anatomy of Life.[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/34010837/b0295aa1835549050c424ee1d1465c0f4ddfbb87.png[/img] What is it that makes humans tick? Jump into the body and travel between organs. Follow the journey of blood and learn how humans function. [h1]⚠️ Caution Ahead ⚠️[/h1] A first of its kind, [b]Explore: Human Body — Anatomy of Life[/b] features an in-game content warning before players can begin the event. For those who are sensitive about topics regarding medical depictions of the human body, blood and possible trypophobia, participation is optional. Feel free to stop reading at this point. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/34010837/a21c2e5a950f95cbbe6a65eaf0e8de83ed60b57c.jpg[/img] [h1]The Journey of Blood [/h1] Explore the cycle of red blood cells through its journey from deoxygenation to the heart. Oxygenation begins from the lungs and travels to the rest of the body before the cycle starts again. [list] [*] The human body is made up of 10 generators and 43 trait nodes, working together to keep the body alive. [*] Unlock tiers of each biological system in this intricate tree of life. [*] Tap around the heart in the tree to collect new currencies: [b]oxygenated[/b] and [b]deoxygenated blood[/b]. [*] An anatomical model of the [b]Heart Quantum Charge[/b] is brimming with new currency to receive. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/34010837/554960d7fa214623e1a84f28cb69c0e749eade69.png[/img] [h1]Everything is Connected[/h1] Science comes to life. Watch the human body take form in the 3D garden as generators are unlocked in the tree. [list] [*] As the heart beats, tap to pump more blood in the garden view. [*] Witness layers of each organ system come together to assemble the human body. [*] Observe as Nanobots transfuse more blood into the body in this event. [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/34010837/c41a96336587aafee2ea3885503b318b8033262f.png[/img] [h1]The Rewards of Life[/h1] The human body needs these three badges in order to function. They are vital organs in the body, working in unison. [list] [*] Only available in this event, [b]The Nexus[/b], [b]The Bellows[/b] and [b]The Engine[/b] are great badges to add to the jar collection. [*] New profile icon- 3D model of the brain available in the Augmentation Store. [/list] [h1]Explore: Human Body — Anatomy of Life Available to play January 17, 2024 at 11am EST until January 24, 2024 at 10am EST![/h1] To celebrate the release of this event, we will be hosting a ‘Let’s Play’ today on Discord from 11am to 12pm EST. If you're not already a member of our official Discord server, [url=https://discord.gg/celltosingularity]click here[/url] to join the Cells community! We will also be giving out Darwinium cubes in the ‘Let’s Play’ chat. Play with the devs and let us know how much you can complete within the hour as we talk about the event. Thank you to our beta test players for assisting us in testing our content releases, especially for this event. The addition of the first ever content warning was a result of your invaluable feedback. We are also happy to hear positive feedback about this event’s garden. But that’s not all! We have another content update coming up soon. We shared a sneak peak of it during the December 2023 livestream. Can you guess what’s next? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/34010837/b974c9e9be1ce7c9a07fc170d52da308238ade68.png[/img] Human civilization has evolved into the next stage - The Bronze Age. Marked by the development and increased use of bronze, stone was gradually replaced as new metal technologies prospered. New discoveries and Augmentations await in the next update. We are back from our well rested break and ready to start the new year, new simulation. Thank you everyone for your support in 2023. We released a lot of content in December, and we have a lot more planned including our first new limited time event of the year: Explore: Human Body — Anatomy of Life. We look forward to your continued support in 2024. Keep an eye out for more updates to come. Happy New Year and stay cellular! The Cells Team